Zoe's emoji reference sheet

Stored for later reference.

:squint:           - Discord-style squinting 
o_o, O_o. o_O, O_O - surprised - also exists with dot variants and regular dash (-) variants
>.>, <.<           - whaaat?
>.<,>-<            - Dammit 
owo,OwO,OWO        - interested/excited(/surprised (rare))
uwu, UwU, UWU      - shy happy (ish)
:sloth:            - Discord-style emote, SeriousSloth on twitch. For context: https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/366670406817677333.png
:kekw:             - Another Discord-style emote; good 'ol laughing spanish guy.
:*                 - no mouth
xd                 - Dammit, duh, or fuck - NOT to be confused with xD 
xD                 - laughing 
^^, ^.^, ^-^, ^w^  - Happy. First and last are common
^^"                - Whoops. (Equivalent to 😅)
(~^*^)~, ~(^*^~)   - replace the * with a matching char (see the previous one) - chasing happy
;-;                - sad
:/                 - That sucks
:c                 - aw(, what a shame)